
在 storyboard 中使用静态 Cell 时 Label 内容的显示问题

这两天遇到一个问题,通过 storyboard 创建的 static cell,通过代码设置 cell 上 label 文字的时候,发现文字经常不能正常显示,只有通过滑动 tableview 之后,重新刷新了以后才能正常显示。

If you are setting the text to nil somewhere when you try to set it to a non-nil value the actual view that contains the text will be missing. This was introduced in iOS8. Try setting to an empty space @” “ character instead.

This was my issue but it happens when you set it to “” and nil. So you actually have to set it to “ “. So basically isEmpty causes this behavior as well.

就是在 storyboard 创建的 cell 中给 label 设置个初始值:“ ”,空格就行了,解决了我遇到的问题。